Advanced PSYCH-K® Facilitator

Call for free consultation

(504) 723-2899

PSYCH-K® – Change your mind, change your life, change your world!

Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.
Henry Ford

“Well that’s just great Henry Ford. I believe that there’s a ton of things I can’t do. So now what?”

That was my reaction to this quote. If you’re feeling stuck or unable to move forward in any aspect of your life, PSYCH-K® may be your answer.

The ability to change lies in the subconscious mind. PSYCH-K® allows you to access the subconscious in a quick and safe way to upgrade your belief system.

Write a script for the life you want!
Transform old, negative self-talk into empowering beliefs that generate success and happiness!

Plug in to your true Power.
Connect with your Higher Self to awaken to your Soul’s mission and draw the inspiration, confidence and guidance you need to move forward.

Discover your Authentic Self.
Shed your perceived limitations and uncover the magnificence that lies within.

What is PSYCH-K®?
“PSYCH-K is a set of principles and processes designed to change subconscious beliefs that limit the expression of your full potential as a spiritual being having a human experience.” Rob Williams, Originator of PSYCH-K®

“Working with Marylou has brought quick resolution to the obstacles that were blocking the next part of my spiritual journey. The inner critic is quieted and the serenity is pervasive. This work is like a powerful magnet that pulls together all our resources. Marylou has been a wonderful teacher, a wonderful guide, and a true inspiration.”
–Ann W. New Orleans, LA

Set Up Your Free Consultation

Are you ready to free your mind and soar to new heights?
Call for a free consultation! (504) 723-2899

